Concept art photobashing (with COMMENTARY)
Concept art photobashing (with COMMENTARY)
Hey guys, this is a first “tutorial” I ever made, more of a commentary to the timelapse than anything else. Let me know if you’d be interested in me doing more of this kind of stuff.
U may say it as concept design but it’s with lot of detail. Bug thanks for giving new idea to us to start..
Great work! The first bridge is ubicated in my city hahahaha
I really appreciate that you noted how you are unhappy with the progress until the last 80-90%. That’s one of my biggest struggles doing any art, but especially photo manipulation work. I’ll get halfway in and abandon because it’s not "there" yet. But the ones I manage to stick out to the end tend to come together as you say. It’s a nice reminder that I am not alone.
Great! Real professional! Thank you dude!
Do you have any details tutorial or course?
The mood flowed to the tutorial; music is great, video is simple explanatory. All of that outcomes as a perfect peaceful 10 mins therapy, thx for that
what was the process in cutting the objects out of the original images? i saw a use of brightness/contrast + possibly binarization, but couldn’t catch the rest… amazing artwork!!
someones gotta tell this guy about pureref
great work
great video thanks for sharing your process
i know it might sounds stupid but what u search when u are looking for references
srsly its a thing u should learn as a concept artist any suggestion on the key words here ? great work by the way
I’m completely new to photobashing, and as an artist this feels game-changing, amazing work!
This looks awesome!! It’s very interesting to see the process, very inspiring!
Excellent !
Beautiful result!
Great, exceptional talent
Super! Chętnie zobaczyłbym więcej!
NICE, thx for guide
Very relaxing to watch man thank you
One of the most impressive videos I’ve ever seen… Awesome work dude, thanks for sharing with some added commentary!
Great work there! BTW can you please tell the music being used in the background? It can be very helpful while practicing the concept art. Thanks
Brother, what a skill to clean up those images. Great video
great work…
Classic photobashing gives what parasitical one-click AI can’t do… It gives control over every small aspect while allowing an extent of photorealism. The feeling you can get from customising your own scene is an incredible feelings and allows human value in an image. I don’t enjoy photorealism myself, so don’t find it value in my process. But nonetheless, controlling your work to the level you want is what makes it your work. Without work, it’s not your art"work", and photobashers still "work" and paint with photos and photo brushes to create the end result. AI developers should offer tools that make it easier to integrate photos into a photobash piece, though. Nvidia Canvas and inpainting isn’t quite enough. I think bridging the mind-body barrier with better tools rather than replacing our imagination with poorly controlled AI generations is the most viable future. Otherwise humanity won’t respect the work and customisation we need over concept work and just regurgitate the same designless maximalist junk forever. Keep up the work and don’t ever sacrifice the artistic control over your image.
So cool, man! Awesome work!
is it possible to do a bit slower tutorial only for the reasons of the techniques of the tools and keyboard shortcuts you are using to photobash everything together to create the final project.
Май нейм из Николай
Одно слово…
The result was amazing

Can you please tell me the name of these brushes you use for painting and merging photos with each other?
Poznałam po akcencie że Polska
świetny tutorial, czuję trochę vibe the last of us. Rysowanie enviro wydaje się teraz zdecydowanie łatwiejsze. Wcześniej mało tego używałam, bo na studiach było to uznawane za cheating xd i proces takiego enviro trwał kilka/moze i kilkanascie godzin..
Super nice tutorial! I’m fairly new to photo-bashing, and seeing you use it so well was fun and inspring
Whats that song from again? Sounds really familiar, like from a really sad game or movie that I liked.
Very inspiring! Love the mood you created with this piece.
why wasn’t "Photobashing" taught to us back then mid 2009(?)
wow nice sir
How are you creating chromatic aberrations with the Camera Raw filter?
HI~Bro…Can i ask you how you practice for improve your skill on weekdays?
Excellent work, what was the masking technique you used to cut out the bridges? Maybe a tutorial would be grand if you’re planning any
Amazing work! What kind of brushes did u use?
Amazing work! Oh and are you the one who made the VHS Game of Thrones video from way back??
I love it. Honest, transparent, to the point – this is just great learning material
The final result looks great, you captured your target mood perfectly.
I’d gladly pay to see a 2-3 hour real-time tutorial where you go through every step in detail.
Jaki tablet używasz albo jaki polecasz ?
This is amazing! Gives me inspiration to create!
Awesome! The final picture looks really good!
Definitely like it! Great work! Any chance to see your new work process?
Świetna praca, uwielbiam ten klimat a od dziś testuje swój pierwszy tablet graficzny i ty człowieku inspirujesz mnie abym wykorzystał go jak najlepiej. Peace <3
Hey that’s an awesome arts and tutorial. Can you tell me where can i get free copyright stock photos for my photobashing project?
Oatatañamembui el chaco corrientes papaaaaa representando a mi corriente pora y camba noma que putaaaaaaaaa
How long have you been painting? I started my painting journey few days ago and I trying to haul as much info I can get. I got some background of doing 3D art but painting has got my attention for a while now.
Myślisz że rozwój ai zagrozi tej branży ? Np uszczupli zapotrzebowanie na concept artystów bo ich wydajność wzrośnie ?