How to Get Everyone in Focus – Tips for Taking Group Photos
How to Get Everyone in Focus – Tips for Taking Group Photos
Let’s talk about how you can get sharp photos every time. Are you sick of out-of-focus and blurry images? We are here to help fix that for you and teach you how to get everyone in focus in a group photo. Whether you are doing family photography, wedding party photography or a sports team photo, we are going to talk you through ways to get sharp focus every time.
There are a few things that come into play when learning how to get everyone in focus in a group shot so we are going to give you those tips and tricks to help you get those crisp images you have been dying to get.
Let’s get over the stress of blurry photos and get you the crisp photos you want today.
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Watch this video next for more tips and tricks: ▼
“How We Get Super Sharp Photos ”
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#esquared #sharpimages #sharpphotos #groupphotography
do you use a dynamic group focus mode? Which focus mode do you use for family dhot?
my greatest challenge actually is how to manage group of people inside a hall. i have a 30mm, f4.5 and iso at 1600. ambient light is pretty descent but whenever i transferred them to light room, it will always look dark and end up not able to fix skin tone even if you bumped up the exposure etc.
Team photos! Large group!
What is your shutter speed at?
My biggest issue with groups is how to place them and not make them look awkward
Thanks for sharing this video on SHARPNESS! It is much appreciated…l
Love it
Thanks for sharing your tips. What lens would you recommend for crop sensor camera for indoor group photography?
As a beginner working in Manual mode for group shots, my biggest challenge is use of softbox lights. Where to place them, what level to set the lights etc. Lighting is like this magical thing that people creating the videos on the Internet make look so easy, but in actual use doesn’t go so well for me.
great vid, but i have question… group photos should i use autofocus or manual? what is like the general rule.
Thank you for the advice
Can I ask how many focus points do you use for a group photo
What LENS are you using for the large group shots?
This was very helpful. Thank you very much!
What focus point to use?
the challenge start when trying to do that high aperture on low light :/ i didnt want to raise the iso too much
2.8 for a group?
try looking at the lens not the screen. to help connect with your audience
Great video! What autofocus setting do you use? Spot focus, eye track etc
Family of 3 to 5 what is the best aperture?
I take club photos and I use too small of an f stop so sometimes people are blurry. It kind of adds to the club energy look but I’m definitely gonna get a different lens.
what focus metering do you use? I have a Nikon Z7 ii
My first photo shoot of a Baby Shower today thanks for the awesome tips!!!
Not knowing what aperture to set my camera on!
What focus would you use for 40 people standing on stairs in five rows? Need all faces to be sharp. I’ll be using Sony 35 mm GM.
Check out or free one hour manual mode training happening this week only.
Thank you !!!!!
How about if it was more than two rows.say 6 rows
who do I focus on.and will it affect the f stop rule?
How to get great family portraits with my 50mm 1.4 lens and Canon Rebel t5i. It is an older camera and unfortunately this camera can’t be calibrated so not sure why taking blurry photos now
How about the setting of ISO and shutter speed?
only the F only?
Does auto focus not work as well as manuel focus?
I think my biggest struggle in large group photos is when I’m being rushed. It’s difficult already because it adds stress, but I’m just learning photography so having the pressure of people rushing me is just awful.
Do you guys have a white balance video ? What white balance did you use for the weddings?
Helps a lot
Great tips! thanks for sharing make it much more clear!
Question; if there are two lines as we see at 7:39 kids running and the next one (7:42), should I prefer to focus on the object closest to the second line?
With everything you have taught us here, I have one question: does it matter how far away you stand from your subject when applying these rules?
Are you using manual focus or auto focus? Please may you reply if possible. Thank you x
Got my first photo shoot of a sweet 16. Super nervous. Should I stay in aperture or shutter priority .. or manual ?
This has been incredibly helpful! Thank you!
Very good video,my last photoshoot was a group of 3-4 people..i did it with f2.8 and i surprised
from the results…i was long time not making any photos for my defense…nuce tips
Are you using Matrix metering mostly for these?
Thank you very much!!!!
Great tips guys! Thank you
biggest issue for me is the focal clusters on my canon Mark 1V!!!
Nice video E’s, I would just make one ask…if you could include the aperture, shutter speed and ISO in the images. Its one thing to hear you say where to focus but its good to see the actual effect of the aperture used in each photo. Thank you!
Bad attitudes is the biggest pet peeve of mine!