How to Photograph Cityscapes | Tutorial Tuesday
How to Photograph Cityscapes | Tutorial Tuesday
We’ve got five simple tips to improve your cityscape photography, from light and the best time to shoot through to composition and capturing the feeling of a city, these tips will help you capture the best cityscape photos you can.
Photo / Video Kit:
Sony a7 III –
Sony a7R IV –
Sony 24-70mm f/2.8 GM Lens –
Sony 85mm f/1.4 GM Lens –
Zoom H6 Audio Recorder –
Rode NTG4 –
. .
Our Video / Photo Kit:
Sony a7 III –
Sony 24-70mm f/2.8 GM Lens –
Zoom H6 Audio Recorder –
Rode NTG4 –
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Watching this as I sit in my Air BnB in London
Great video and tips. I love your enthusiasm.
Thanks. Watched couple of your videos and now subscribed. Awesome knowledge share.
Nothing like a light rainy night in London…. Nice video and thoughts….
Excellent video. Interested in your view as to when converging verticals work and don’t work.
Thanks. Great content and really useful. Looking forward to trying out my 8-16mm Ultra wide in London during the blue hour.
Sorry, but I did not like the video. Very little useful information and the photos shown, the majority are quite boring and flat.
What does layering it up mean please?
This video gave me a lot of inspiration and new ideas. Thank you so much!
Gareth – humungous thanks for this tutorial; I am planning another London trip quite soon and hadn’t thought about the ‘blue hour’ which was fascinating. Absolutely love all your tutorials – you are the only person who makes it all make sense to me! Thank you, thank you.
Would you be able to advise on how best to shoot in the city at night to capture the entire cityscape with all the lights and also the highway that I have nearby? I live 34 stories up on the top of the building and downtown San Antonio, and I really want to capture the magic of all the lights from the highway with all the traffic, and all the colorful lights in the city. Would love if you could share your thoughts on how best to achieve this? I have a canon 70 and also a like a Q2, which more than likely is not the right one to use for this scenario. Also, could you recommend the best wide angle lens for me to get?camera settings everything thank you so much!
Cool video
Look for neon!
Very helpful and insightful video. Great presentation. Thank you.
Sure, golden hour and blue hour are great, but I think cityscapes also lend themselves perfectly for mid-day shooting as the harsh light can create really nice shadows in these kinds of environments.
Hey man! Great video! You got another sub
A very useful video with some wonderful images as examples.
A nice refresher video to inspire – if it wasn’t for my "rickety" knees , I’d get down for the low angle shots far more often !!!
Bro you are talented

Really inspiring Tuesday update, thank you!
I love Tutorial Tuesdays – WHOOSH. I always forget about city scapes and blue hour. Thanks for reminding me.
Thanks for this. I love your energy and enthusiasm. I just need to get down to my city now and get shooting and you have given me some great ideas. Subscribed.
Thank you for this super helpful tips!
Really great tutorial
About to go to NY so thank you for the tips!
I just pleased the algorithm gods