HOW to photograph FIREWORKS – STEP by STEP walkthrough with Camera Settings – Nikon Z9
HOW to photograph FIREWORKS – STEP by STEP walkthrough with Camera Settings – Nikon Z9
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Matt Shannon (Thats me) is an inspired nature and landscape photographer living on Vancouver Island. His images have captured an international audience and his artwork hangs in homes around the world. He has developed a keen eye for detail and a passion for striking images. Matt is an enthusiastic teacher and hosts regular workshops aimed at inspiring and equipping photographers.
Matt’s photography is the product of his adventuresome heart – it’s the physical representation of his love for striking landscapes and beautiful natural creations.
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Loved the vid and I just hit that Subscribe button. two thumbs up sir.
Great video! I’m about to order myself a new setup! I’m going to get a Nikon D850 camera body and also the Nikon 200-500mm F5.6 VR! I would love to here your personal opinions on the D850 and how good you think it is!?
ISO 200
Amazing photoworks. Liked and subscribed. Do you have a tutorial for what you dis at 8:42? Thanks in advance.
I have subscribed but far too much information mate… like i felt like i was here for hours.
What i am interested is only 20 seconds you could explain, ps or no ps. Disappointed.
I still remember many years ago that I asked a co-worker how he would shoot fireworks. He said he would get some high ISO film (probably 1600). I did correct him pretty quickly on that.
My settings are similar to yours, ISO 100, f/8 on bulb, anywhere from 2 to 10 seconds or so. I did my first YT Short last week with a quick how to. I love shooting fireworks, but the last few years I’ve been too lazy to get anywhere to shoot them.
A lot of cityscape, landscape and timelapse stuff down across the way in Seattle. Like to photograph fireworks and milkyway as well which milkyway season will be the best end of July through Aug around these parts !!
Only if I saw this video a day before. I shot some fireworks yesterday on July 4th. I did get the shots nicely as I use M mode and my shutter speed was between 8 and 20 seconds. I will try to photoshop individual firework into a group like yours. I used to do event photography but more landscape now.
Q: did you lower your tripod so you could be sitting down with your feet in the last photo composition?
Do you use BULB mode to capture fireworks too?
Thanks for watching and I’ll see you on the next video. Cheers!
Fantastic! This spot by the beach is a great location to view. No power lines or trees in the way and the view is wide open.
Happy Canada Day! AND Happy 4th of July. Thanks
Amazing finished picture… I’m experimenting with every type of photography. It’s good to learn new settings for fireworks.. That will be useful next month for me
Please no music while you’re talking again. It’s really annoying.
Not gonna lie liked and subscribed for the “I don’t wanna go actually” planned to do some headshots a cave and Gettysburg this weekend and that’s exactly how I felt when I got in my car
Nice composite! Would love to see a video on how you combined the images in Photoshop. What focal length did you use for this shoot?
More landscape but I really want to try more astro and wildlife
I like the composite idea. I shot the 4th of July here with a cool storm cloud background, but I didn’t blend any of the extra fireworks blasts. I’m gonna try it.
Messy shot after
Very interesting approach, and your photos validate everything you shared. I only wish I had a body of water like I did in Michigan and Indiana. Shooting at f8 certainly gives me more lens options too. Thanks Matt!
I’m subscribed Matt. Nice channel
Greetings from Spain.
Great pictures on your intro, got me subbed.
Glad to have discovered this channel. Cheers.
8:47 Oh, I see. So the images are composites, or one might say artificial, or even fake. Call me a purist, but that’s not photography. Anybody can copy and paste. This makes me sad.
You should re name this how to use photoshop haha cool vid mate just jokes
tnx, nice and interesting video, how about some tips about how to merge the different photos in a single shot?
Grab a coffee, it is going to be a late night.
Hi Matt, Just watched the video today. I am going to share it with my camera club at tonight’s meeting. Have you ever tried star stacking software to blend fireworks images. It works really slick. I use StarStax to blend my images. Much faster than manually blending in PS.
Thanks so much for sharing another wonderful video like always Matt
I will try it tonight in New York city for today the 4 of july 

Hi Matt, thanks so much for the video. I’m a new subscriber. At about 4 1/2 minutes into your video you talk about taking pictures of the foreground. You mentioned taking pictures at 20 to 25 seconds is that of the foreground? I’m just asking because I figured with people walking, wouldn’t your image come out blurry? Please excuse me if I misunderstood you.
great video! my one question is for BULB, what would you say in how long you’re opening the shutter for at a given time
EPIC! Was it easy to pull focus during a darker time of the year when you set up in the dark? (New years eve and halloween)
So it’s not really a “how-to” because you need knowledge of using photoshop like a pro
Do u use any filters when shooting fireworks?
Hello! Amazing video, I feel really inspired by your shots as a budding photographer.
Quick question regarding bulb mode, do you press the shutter when you hear the mortars firing? And do you let go at the peak of the burst or after it has died off?
I assume AFS-C is used for fireworks?
Thanks, once again for being so inspiring with all your videos.
Great ideas. Have you played around with precapture for fireworks? My buddy has been doing it with lightning.
I love your channel, I’m new and I learned a lot from your photographic outings, I like the intro of the video you have, I’ll look for how to do something similar.
strange that you didn’t tell anything about where to focus while taking shot. For me thats very important for sharp images.
Subscribed. Loves your content and very informative
Hey man just wanted to say thank you for the technique advice, it worked out really well for me!