Lens Filters 101 | Top 5 Filters You Need To Buy
Lens Filters 101 | Top 5 Filters You Need To Buy
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▬ Contents of this video ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
0:00 – Intro
1:28 – What is a Filter
2:38 – Step Up Rings
3:42 – Matt Box vs Circular
5:08 – VND/ND
8:55 – Gradient Filters
10:31 – Circular Polarizers
12:17 – UV Filters
13:40 – Mist/Diffusion Filters
14:52 – What Filters Should You Buy?
15:35 – Want to Learn More?
I don’t care about film making just get a film camera not a dslr
Janie View
I’m saving this one. Great video!
I know absolutely nothing on cameras and this gave me 2x the amount of knowledge I had prior to watching this.
Dude took 5 minutes selling and mumbling before the video actually started! Couldn’t even finish it

This is by far the most educational, informative and easy to digest video on camera lenses I’ve come across. I’m a music producer who’s starting to do my own videos and this may have saved me a few years of grey hair in my journey on learning what to do
Super helpful, subscribed! Thank you
nd = sun glassses
uv = do nothing
pola = counter refection
other = phone filter effect
Thank you for the explanation
Yesllowstone t shirt hahaha
Polarizer only let pass light waves of one direction it blocks other phasing waves of light so the intensity of light just cut off .

Typical science student things
Best video hands down
If you’re getting a VND, I highly recommend getting a VND+CPL combo. A VND is made from 2 polarizing filters which rotate against each other to vary the brightness. But putting on a normal VND is like putting on a CPL adjusted to a random polarization. This is because, in a normal VND, only one of the polarizers rotates; the other is fixed to the lens in whatever orientation it has when the filter threads are tightened onto the lens. A VND+CPL combo is still made from two polarizers, but it has a lever which rotates one polarizer against the other, and a ring which rotates both polarizers together. You can first set the brightness with the lever, and then adjust the ring to get the most pleasing polarizing effect. The deaded color shift will occur with certain scenes and lighting; that’s the reality of polarizers; but with a VND+CPL filter you can set the polarization for the best effect for that particular shot, rather than being stuck with the polarizer orientation fixed by the tightened filter threads. You could, of course, make any VND into a VND+CPL combo by just loosening the filter threads and rotating the whole filter to the best polarization…
No way this guy is saying 50 dollar filters are cheap
Since i am new to this…i do photography and im not shooting video. Is it ok to go with VND filter still or video would require it more compared to taking pictures ? I would need for sure a Circular Polarizer filter as well, hence do they stack together on one another? Im looking to get the Polar Pro product. Thanks!
excellent video
Your video is very informative and clear. No unnecessary tangent or blabber. Very professional. Thank you
best video on filters!! btw is that A6000 bro?
Damn healthy and photography

able mofo
Shutter speed should be double the frame rate????
Can we use the aperture interchangeable with the VND?
I thought that I’ll finally have an explanation about the Polarizer
but I guess polarizers are a mystery yet to be solved

Earned a sub
Adjust the distance between yourself and the camera; we can see that you’re reading it from the teleprompter.
waffle for 2min before getting into it…rest very informative…thanks
Can the CPL work with flash reflection in macrophotography?
thank you very much
that was helpful
Bro you literally awnser all my questions and thank you so much for all the effort and details and shots to explain it so well !!!
Thank you, i need this filters on my camera
Great video, very informative. And, I loved the out takes
a Warning, there is not just a Filter thread out there, Hasselblad, esp. the 500cm uses what is called a bayonet fitting, some are 60mm dia.{B60} others are 67mm some smaller, depends on focal length; also Nikon and Canon Telephotos use 48/58 mm dia. sizes ( a drawer in the lens itself, as those optical designs need the filter there, for performance, and minimising reflections).
This was a really great video. Very informative.
Hello, i just bought the new x100vi and i am wondering should i buy the original prf-49 filter or i can just get a hoya filter ? Is the original somehow better ?
!!!!!!!!gray object at average distance away can not be seen with naked eyes, but can be seen with special filtering, what arrangement is that? The blue + red may be at equal level being reflected back , so as no color gray is perceived. The background light blue sky is visible. What about circular and linear polarization filter lenses? Wavelengths are being suppressed, or absorbed, for GRAY object to normal eyesight. Russian man last year has section of filter glass with chemical coating Dicyanin that reveals hidden objects when looking through it. This is very important. (You know what I’m talking about)<<<>>???
Expensive ND variable filters simply do not allow you to reach the values at which vignetting begins – they have a limiter that does not allow you to rotate the filter beyond the limit set by the manufacturer. It’s a useful feature, but is it worth just how much the manufacturers are asking for it? It’s a big question. After all, you can simply follow the marks on the filter frame to avoid vignetting. )
Me who watched Full video a i even didn’t have camera
another tip, the filter size is also a number etched into the rear face of the lens cap (as it grips on this same surface, using the threads, but as an increased surface area for friction).
ND ‘s where also created to adjust shutter speeds, as on MF and LF still cameras those leaf shutters only went as fast as 1/400 or 1/500th of a second, and in high sunlight this is how they got the exposure down to a shutter speed that was on the lens; also to reduce the contrast of a scene to a level the film can cope with, as some films can’t handle over exposure, like slide (transparency) films.
can you test kase magnetic filters? Its magnetic function was very impressed me.
On the polarising filters magic from a photographer’s point of view … and some experience – you’ll get the best results if the light source (mostly sunlight) is on about 90 degrees – if you are shooting with the sunlight from your back, or is it "on you" – there is not much you can play. Btw – very useful video – I’ll be getting gradient and variable ND. Cheers
Nice music selection.
talking about a lot of crap other than the heading on your video.
Gradient ND Filters are in a lot of cases overrated, since you can reach the same quality, probably even better quality through double exposure and post processing. So I recommend to first get a ND Filter and a CPL Filter. Later, get the others as well if you’d like to.
"whether it be science, or just straight magic"
But science is real magic.
Extremely well done – concise, great visuals to go with the explanations, well done!
Thanks, Seth for this excellent video. I have a Canon M50 Mark ii with Sigma 30mm 1.4 DC DN (52 mm filter thread) and I mostly do photography. Could you please suggest 2-3 filters for getting professional-level photography?
I have a filter that is tight, is there any way to loosen it? Ive tried searching but all results are for filters stuck to the lens. I just want to be able to turn the filter easily as mine is really tight to adjust.
Simply: Imagine looking directly into a light ray that is flying towards you. It has got many photons that vibrate in a lot of different angles. Pure reflection has got more light rays that vibrate from one side to another on a straight line. Polarization filters have got like tiny little strings that can block exactly one "line" of light. So it removes all the light of one "line", which can be the reflection or example, and allows the rest in. There is way more to it, but I hope this is simple enough to understand.