Macro Photography for Beginners – Complete Tutorial
Macro Photography for Beginners – Complete Tutorial
In this tutorial I will teach you how to photograph insects, how to pick a good macro lens, what camera is good for macro photos, and everything else you need to know to get started with macro photography.
My Laowa Macro Lens Buyer’s Guide:
Some good budget macro lenses:
– Meike 85mm
– 7Artisans 60mm mk2
– TTArtisan 40mm
Products I use for daily macro photography:
My favorite macro lens: (I always buy Laowa lenses from their website – best price, good service, and fast, free shipping worldwide)
Flash batteries:
Sony A7III Camera:
I use a Sony Grip extension:
This is my camera strap:
The diffuser around my lens is of the brand DÖRR. I have noticed they are not sold in all countries. I bought mine from this Swedish website:
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Big Up
Great video.
Since yesterday I have my NISI II macro front lense for the first steps of macro F..
thank for the tips.
I found the Sigma 17-70 HSM OS with flashed firmware was decent on a d3300, but got tires of lugging around all my lenses. Will probably get a z6 and 105 z macro soon call it a day
I just got the Sony 90mm 2.8 macro. Guess I didn’t need a 2.8 aperture lol
I got the meike 320 as you recommended and I like it.
nice photographer nice
great video im only a newbie and found the infomation very helpfull
Fantastic video thank you
Excellent video, really enjoyed it. Thank you
Very helpful – will be good to use the info with my Olympus em5.3 + 60mm lens – thanks
Electronic or mechanical shutter for macro?? I can’t seem to find a clear answer anywhere.
such a good guide!! thank you for this!
Great work, thanks for sharingg.
Why isn’t it called “Microphotography”? It’s small stuff.
Great info unfortunately I won’t follow you or watch another one of your videos due to so darn many ads. I hope you make money doing your videos but not at every few minutes having to watch ads. Not this day and age when there’s so many others to watch.
Thank you for this great video
Absolutely loving your channel, your lessons are great and your photographs an real inspiration. Thank you
(have just purchased a LOAWA 100mm macro
so informative!!!
I appreciate your teaching skills very much and how practical your suggestions are.
Question: While I know how you love the Godox V350; would you also recommend the V860ii? I found a used copy for a good price.
Very detaied and simply explained video. Thank you!
Thank you! This is a very useful material for those new to macro photography.
You have Icelandic accent.
You are an inspiration…thank you!
Appreciate your beautiful way to educate the beginners

I never ever watched as many commercials as in THIS video

5 in line!
At 17min i had to watch 5commercials at once
Down to earth practical tutorial explained in a very relaxing mode. Thank you Micael.
Excellent. I’m just starting macro photography and this is a great starting point. Thank you.
Thank you for taking the time and presenting your very important tips. It is greatly appreciated.
Loved the video.
Awesome video, thank you for sharing! Really interested in getting into Macro photography and this was a great introduction. I subscribed to your channel and looking forward to watching all of your other videos! Best
This video is really practical to learn of the beginners of macro photography
Can I ask, what is the name of the thingy
you put on your Godox flash at 25:21? Love that light set up, it looks great
@MicaelWidell I bought a Macro lens and I was getting frustrated. But after watching your video, I now understand it and having fun now. You have a new Subscriber, Thanks!
thanx much Michael, doing something different, I do lots of street & urban photography, now I’m dipping my toe in macro photography, and you gave me a good starting point!
Very useful video, thank you for your efforts!…
Im taking photos of teeth. i have a canon D2000 what lens would you recommend? i need to be close and i need alot of detail in gum tissue and on the tongue. Please help
Are there any 2x magnification lenses that are compatible for the Canon 90D, or could at least fit it with extension tubes? I have zero interest in buying macro if it isn’t 2x or above.
why no microscope-objetive and foto stacking
Nicely Explained
No one gonna talk about the nice sound effects??
Thank you for giving helpful info without being a snob about hardware
thanks for the tips! <3 best video for beginners – it was to the point, clear, specific and easy to follow
this was my choice as well, so it was easier for me to relate to the information you were explaining.
I was especially thrilled when i noticed you also use Sony a6000
So, good job, keep it up and yes, i subscribed!
Nice video
Thank you so much. This will help me at work. I use a macroscope for some failure analysis. I think I understand the basics of how it works now.
Excellent and informative video. Just bought myself a macro lens and had such fun using it. This has been so helpful.
Excellent Thank You!!
@micaelwidell what about human iris? What lens or combination with tubes extensions will you use? Do you think is possible to make stacking? I guess to get enough quality you need to put enough light to work with the biggest aperture but that means too much light that can make the person no be comfortable
Thanks for taking the time to make this vid, really helpful. I sat here nodding at each point you raised. Especially around DOF being so short.