Use THIS to Make Your Photos Dreamy
Use THIS to Make Your Photos Dreamy
Photos edited with my Disposable Film Lightroom Preset Pack:
Hey everyone! In today’s video I’m sharing a comparison at a portrait photoshoot of what photos look like when you use a Pro Mist Filter vs No filter. Today’s photoshoot is with model Wiktoria in Poznan, Poland. I also have vlogs of my time in Europe which I’ll leave linked below if you want to watch and see my cityscape and landscape photography.
My new Havana Lightroom Preset Pack is now available:
And my Film Scratches Texture Pack:
Poznan vlog:
Prague vlog:
Austria vlog:
All my music is from Artlist! Sign up with this link: and you will receive 2 extra months to your subscription for free
Editing templates from Motion Array: to receive a $50 discount with an annual plan
My photo camera:
My fav lens:
UV filters:
Video camera:
Video lens:
My ND filter:
Small reflector:
SD cards:
CF express cards:
SD card case:
My microphone: Lighting setup:
My tripod:
My camera bag:
Thank you for watching!
Hello Folks, I wanna ask you which camera some of the instagram models are using. For example. Dennis Boeer. Michael Yerger. Jaco Brott
I would like to know which camera are the using, I love the quality of the pictures. Also are they editing it, how? If someone know, I would love to hear that from you. Thank u very much!
You might want to get those magnetic ring adapters so you can pop your filters on and off and avoid messing up the threading on the lens.
A few times I did not screw a few filters on right. I was luck no damage to the threading to my lens.
After processing the face, namely under the eyes, the photos turned out very bad
Hey Julia! Loved this video as I’m a giant fan of using pro mist filters! Do you think you would do another video like this but in low light around the city so we can see your compositions with all the different blooms you’ll get?
Basically i am not an organ donator but .. i want give my heart to you with full of love… I love you Julia

Great shoot
How did you record your live view?
I use a white mist filter and really like it. Good for flowers and night photography.
100% agree with your statement about shooting with in-camera softness being risky versus softening in post. So many photographers got sick of the soft filter look by the mid 90s, and there was nothing they could do about it aside from just seeing the old work as evidence of trends that age incredibly fast.
Very well explained and demonstrated with examples with and without the filter. Many thanks!
nice to see also " young " photographers useing filters now again, this mist filters going popular in videos i think…older photographers like me know this kind of filters since the 80s, back then the french company cokin was really popular and did lots of different filters and we used it like crazy. The french photographer Jean Coquin started this company in 1978. Many photographers in that time used cokin filters making pictures softer
greets from austria BM
Photos edited with my Disposable Film Lightroom Preset Pack:
And also my Havana Lightroom Preset Pack:
And if you watch to check out my vlog from when I was in Poland, you can watch that here:
Thank you so much for watching!
Can you achieve this effect in Lightroom ?
9:29 woww
How did you record the screen of your camera during the photoshoot without attaching any monitors to your camera?
In the good old film days we used to use a pair of stockings/ pantyhose’s pulled over the lens would be interesting to compare.
This reminds me of Vivienne Mok’s dreamy style
Can i use this filter in every situation at a wedding or only when i do photoshoots in good light? Did you tried it in not so good conditions
Hey Julia, I really loved this video, I bought a pro mist 2 years ago and didn’t use it much back then but now it stays on my camera. If i don’t use a pro mist I’m always lowering the texture and clarity in Lightroom when editing portraits. Your photos are always great but these really appealed to me more, I would love to see more videos using this filter. Maybe a night shoot with city lights would look good. Young people generally have good skin and less lines, maybe try a photoshoot with an older woman and see what pro mist vs no pro mist results are like
Thanks Julia, I love your work. I would probably use the filter because I don’t really bother with post production.
I just love it how you just work like, "I have got a beautiful f1.4 lens and I am shooting wide open.". Fantastic stuff!
Damn that’s so pretty!
Julia, Im trying to decide which preset pack to buy. Is there one which decreases the strong greens of nikon color profiles to make it something like a canon profile – bit warmer and leaning towards reds. Is Amalfi the one?
I think that nowadays we buy expensive, sharp lenses like this gm and then we put a filter that unsharp the photos, the question is wheres the Logic ?;) shouldnt we buy or use old, cheap, vintage lenses instead?
Agree, I’d rather not create the dreamy effect in post for more options.
Julia your work has helped me immensely, couldn’t thank you enough. True professional
Cool. I’ve been thinking about getting a pro mist filter to try something different. Not sure if I should get one for my 35 GM or the 135 GM to start with!
ugh the background music is so obnoxious
Glimmer Glass is another one I like. I find it defuses the highlights but keeps the shadows a bit more natural.
The images with the filter look great, but as you say. You can’t undo it. Whereas you can edit the image for a dreamy look in post.
Love it
nice!! love it, how u was recording the cam??
nice tuto. very useful to see your focus point ! i am using a7iv and a7rv in af-c, mode A, single small oint focus area and back button focus AFON so i can walk in street,… and focus/recompose releasing afon button. But when people comes in scene, hard to jump the spot on square detected face. I set "eye af" to lens focus hold button on a7iv but don’t find on a7rv. BUT your method seems so easy. Do you set the spot small approximately at 2/3 screen and have always it on square face ? A focus area/AF tuto would be helpful !
Do you use back button focus ?
I use the Tiffen for my video work too, but the 1/4 version. 1/2 was just a tad too much for me, but yeah you nailed it; it’s super dreamy.
I almost always choose pro-mist because personally, that’s my style: super ethereal and soft. I usually couple that with concepts that fit that vibe when I photograph: angelic, seeing your crush for the first time, memories, fantasy stuff like angels, supernatural and otherworldly characters.
Great Video – thank you! You noted that you prefer to add the dreaminess and softness in post production as opposed to using the filter. Could you tell us or show us in a video how you do that. I find that my portraits are sometimes too sharp for some people’s faces and I would like to be able to soften that up somewhat. Thanks!
As a amatuer photographer can I ask, how do you get your different models you use in your portrait photo shoots? Do you pay them for time or shoots? My family is getting tired of me using them in my portrait shoots.
Also glad I found your channel. I have updated my skills greatly since I founded you.
Can you only use a preset if you shoot raw?
Somewhere there is a Sony lens engineer on the verge of a major meltdown because he/she spent the last two years perfecting a lens that minimizes ghosting and flaring.
I didn’t like the pro mist filter. For me I like the photographs with out it. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge in photography. I have learn so much from you

thank you Julia !!
Love it

Pro mist = me no monie meesst
I swear the advertisment tracking algorithms have got me locked on. I was just looking into diffusion filters the other week and also recently purchased a pro mist filter. Beautiful photos as always, I personally find the 1/2 and 1/4 to be too strong so I went with the 1/8. I want it so subtle that I can’t even notice the difference sometimes. Also rocking a g master 35mm lens based off one your videos and I can definitely say it’s been my favorite lens. Thank you for always sharing quality content.
Makes me wonder, if it’s worth buying Sony 35mm GM for its superb quality and sharpness, if one would use filter to make photos more soft and dreamy. Might just go with Sigma art 35mm 1.4?
I just use dirty UV filter for this, or smear vaseline leaving the center of the filter relatively clean. Works just fine.
Wow! I love the results from the Pro Mist photos! They do give a dreamy look and yet still in focus and sharp. It gives the image a different look than regular portrait photography and really makes the image stand out and shine from others!
1. Firstly the more expensive glass filters are like your Tiffen !
2. You’re right & I agree that with high quality sensors AND top-end glass the 1/4 or 1/8 might be better/more seemless as you describe.
3. Great clip
I’d use the 8th ProMist, probably not the half, unless that’s the style I was going for. I like it on the skin, not so much on the eyes / eyebrows. I’d use it more for video, especially on an iPhone that’s already oversharpened, or for the dreamy look. For photos, I’d go with the digital effect. Maybe with AI we can completely simulate it in post, very easily and quickly, and unmask it over the eyes. I’m not a professional, so it’s OK to work more on a couple of shots in post. If I had to shoot a wedding, I’d think twice editing 100s of photos manually without the help of an AI assistant.